

May 16, 2013

Your Bank on Android

Your Bank on Android

The new application is now available from the Google Play Store also for Kindle.


Your Bank on Android

The new application is now available from the Google Play Store also for Kindle.

After the versions for iPad and iPhone “La tua banca”, the new Intesa Sanpaolo application dedicated to those who love being on the move is now also available for Smartphones with Android* operating system and for Kindle.

"La tua banca" provides information and transaction instruction services, through a simple and user-friendly interface.

With "La tua banca” customers may view their current account balance and transactions and send transaction instructions**.

Customers may view their current account, cards, investments and make bank transfers, credit transfers and other payment transactions directly from their Smartphone or Kindle.**

“La tua banca” also enables customers to gain quick access to information features without having to use the O-Key code, through the "Access management" feature. 

Designed for people who are constantly on the move, not only does "La tua banca" provide banking functions, it also offers a range of useful services as well as a selection of information channels that can be integrated with the creation of additional customised channels.

“La tua banca” may be downloaded for free*** from the  Google Play Store and, for Kindle, from the Amazon App-Shop by typing “La tua banca” in the search engine.

*Available for the Android operating system version 2.3.3 and above.

**Services available for customers of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Italian Banks within the limits and subject to the terms and conditions laid down in the contract "Internet, mobile and telephone services".

***Except for any connection costs that may be charged by the telephone provider for data traffic.
Advertising message.
For the contractual terms and conditions of the Internet, mobile and telephone services, refer to the Information sheets available at the Bank's branches."