About us
The value of a personal bank
We aim to serve you over the years, as your financial and non-financial needs change, assisting you at all times in your life with a global, intergenerational approach.
We are the leading financial partner of choice in Italy in the private banking sector, in terms of assets under management, resources and presence throughout Italy.
Our specialised and flexible organisation is able to seize the best market opportunities, backed by the strength that comes from belonging to a major European banking group.
There are signs where I recognise value.
We are part of
Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking
, the Private Banking Division of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of the most stable banking organisations at the national and international levels.
Belonging to a Europe-wide banking group means we can guarantee:
a strong level of capitalisation
a widespread branch network across Italy and major European financial centres
a wealth of expertise and commercial opportunities that are distinct in Italy and internationally.
A luxury I indulge myself in. Always feeling at ease.
Our numbers

Our approach
Advisory, personalisation, performance and risk monitoring.
Growing your wealth is our objective.
This is why we take an advisory approach, based on dialogue and constant engagement, in the firm belief that understanding the needs and characteristics of customers is the first step towards tailoring proposals to meet their investment objectives and profile.
We serve private customers and their financial, insurance and retirement planning needs by offering a full range of
advisory services
, from basic advice to advanced advisory.
A personalised approach for your every need, built on an in-depth analysis of your requirements and bespoke investment plans, which are carefully monitored over time. Alongside our focus on the wise management of assets, we provide private wealth management services for our customers, built on a global and intergenerational approach.
A specific service model is dedicated to
High Net Worth Individuals
, designed to identify and satisfy the particular needs of these affluent customers, featuring dedicated products and services.
Our pr
ivate bankers are backed by professionals specialised in all the different aspects of wealth management, to become personal customer relationship managers.
Adding my own personal touch to everything I do. Including asset management.
Corporate Governance
Chairman of Board of Directors
Paolo Molesini
Deputy Chairman of Board of Directors
Tommaso Corcos
Alessandra Pavolini
Franco Ceruti
Mario Ciaccia
Claudia De Benedetti
Giovanna Iannantuoni
Alfonsino Mei
Paolo Morerio
Giuseppe Russo
Board of Directors Secretary
Filippo Mammola
Chairman of Statutory Auditors
Giulio Stefano Lubatti
Staturory Auditors
Beatrice Ramasco
Marco Dell'Acqua
Alternate Auditors
Carlo Angelini
Giovanna Conca
Board of Statutory Auditors Secretary
Cesare Felicetti
General Manager
Cristiana Fiorini
EY S.p.A.
Corporate reports
Corporate info
Registered Office and Head Office
Via Melchiorre Gioia, 22
20124 Milan, Italy
T. + 39 02.87911
Certified Email (PEC): Segreteria.ISPB@pec.intesasanpaolo.com
It is not necessary to have a certified email account to send communications to the indicated address.
Member of the National Interbank Deposit Guarantee Fund and of the National Guarantee Fund.
Sole shareholder: Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A.
Milano Monza Brianza Lodi Company Register and Tax code No. 00460870348
Company participating in the VAT Group "Intesa Sanpaolo" No.: 11991500015 (IT11991500015)
Intermediary subject to IVASS supervision
Paolo Molesini
Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, as well as Chairman of Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, Sanpaolo Invest, Assoreti and Fondazione Querini Stampalia.
DetailsCristiana Fiorini
General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking since july 2024. She previously held positions of responsibility within the Intesa Sanpaolo Group.
DetailsPaolo Molesini
Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking since April 2022.
Chairman of Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking since February 2020, after holding the office of Managing Director and General Manager of Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking from 2015 to 2019.
He is also Chairman of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Assoreti and Sanpaolo Invest.
From September 2004 to June 2015, Managing Director and General Manager of Banca Intesa Private Banking S.p.A., the private bank of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group which was renamed as Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A. in June 2007.
Venetian by birth, after graduating in Business Administration from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and attaining a Master’s degree in Business Administration from INSEAD Fontainebleau - France, he joined the Henkel Group.
In 1986 he joined the Financial Services area of The Mac Group in London, and in 1991 moved on to the Fondiaria Group’s Strategic Marketing Division. In 1993 he was appointed Sales Manager of Sanpaolo Vita, then General Manager and Managing Director. From 2001 to 2003, he worked at Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena as Head of the Retail Sales Area. In July 2003, he joined the former Banca Intesa S.p.A. as Head of the Private Banking Division. He also served as Director of Société Européenne de Banque, Banco di Napoli and Eurizon A.I.
Cristiana Fiorini
She has been General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking since july 2024.
She is a member of the Boards of Directors of Siref Fiduciaria and Rexer.
Since 2004, she has held numerous positions within Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, with an increasing level of responsibility.
In 2004, she was involved in the project to establish Intesa Private Banking.
From 2005 to 2009, she was Head of Organisation and Development at Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.
From 2009 to 2018, she worked in the Sales Department, first as Head of the Business Planning unit and then as Head of the Commercial Incentives unit for the network, developing a deep knowledge of the commercial, management and incentive dynamics of a Private Network.
Since December 2018, she has been Head of the Wealth Management Department at Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, supervising and developing NHNWI, UHNWI and Family Office customers and developing the advanced advisory service model.
Before that, from 1998 to 2004, she worked at Accenture and was involved in organisational development and change management projects, working with the main Italian banking groups.
Born in Mantua, she graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Brescia.
Financial statements
Financial statements of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking from 2009, the year the private banking operations of Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI were merged, to today.